Whatever your personal challenge, talking about it with a professional counsellor who is passionate about supporting growth and or acceptance, in a confidential space can make a real difference.

What we do.

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Being a teenager can be a tricky time. Not only are you coping with the physical changes of your body, but your brain is also developing and reorganising itself to prepare you for adulthood. With this comes an increased emotional sense of trying to work out who you are and where you fit in your community, whether it be in school or outside of it. I’ve worked with adolescents trying to make sense of who they are and with supportive therapy such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), collaboratively and passionately identifying how the decisions they choose to make can make a difference.


Young Adults

So now you can vote, get your drivers licence and drink alcohol legally. Life should be great with all this independence, yet some young adults feel lost not knowing what direction their lives are taking them, whether it be based on work, study or personal circumstances. Passionately working with young adults who are experiencing stress and anxiety, helping them to ascertain what they want out of this stage of life and getting them to gain clarity to help them make well informed decisions utilising therapies such as CBT, ACT, Narrative Therapy, EFT (Tapping).



Even though you may be an experienced adult, doesn’t mean life is always easy or straightforward. Relationships, work, family can all have an impact on how we’re feeling and coping with everyday life and sometimes it’s having someone we can trust to disclose our inner thoughts to that can make all the difference. Having worked with those suffering from work, bullying issues, to those struggling with how to deal with family relationships or even changing friendships, I’ve helped them develop new coping skills and re-frame their thoughts which have made an immense difference.

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Personal growth by passionately challenging yourself creates greater personal insight.