Get the Mental Healthcare you deserve.

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Passion Counselling - A personalised approach

Each person’s challenges are unique to them and how one person feels and responds to a certain circumstance or situation will be different for the next person. So the need to be heard by your counsellor is so critical for you. Taking the step to learn a different way of emotionally responding is also an opportunity towards developing an increasingly more fulfilling life.


Hi, I’m…

Nerolie Ross

I really love listening to people and helping them with their challenges, whether it be work-related or personal. That initial therapeutic alliance is the greatest key to developing trust.

With a Masters of Counselling (Monash), Bachelor of Social Sciences (Psychology) (Swinburne), Graduate Diploma Human Resources (Deakin) and a Bachelor of Arts (La Trobe), I also know the tremendous importance in keeping up to date with scientific research on mental health wellbeing.

Leveraging from evidence-based theories our brains have the ability to heal, understand and learn based on what they call brain plasticity, simply verbalising your thoughts can begin the journey to increasing self-understanding and insights.

Get started with Passion Counselling today.